¿Por qué deberÃa importarnos?
La capacidad de SCS para brindar una educación equitativa y de calidad se ve socavada por la alta rotación de docentes y las vacantes docentes de un año, asà como por las importantes deficiencias de mantenimiento dentro de las escuelas, todo lo cual conduce a mayores costos financieros, educativos y de salud. La falta de acceso a servicios integrales proporcionados por trabajadores sociales, psicólogos y enfermeras calificados inhibe el tratamiento exitoso del trauma o las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia (ACE). El abuso, la negligencia y el trauma aumentan significativamente la probabilidad de suspensiones, comportamiento delictivo juvenil y encarcelamiento. Con una mediana de edad cuatro años por debajo del promedio nacional, la población de Memphis puede apoyar el desarrollo económico, pero solo si brindamos a los niños de nuestra comunidad acceso a oportunidades y apoyo.
Equipping people of faith and goodwill to organize communities for systemic change through collective action.
The November elections are right around the corner!
What's at stake for us this election? Gun safety legislation, funding for transit and public education, and the protection of our rights as Memphians!
So let’s get a plan together today!
Step 1: Check Your Registration
Are you one of the 600,160 voters in Shelby County? Not sure? No worries—check your status here. If you’re not yet a 901 voter, registering online is a breeze and only takes a few minutes.
Be sure to check your registration before the registration deadline on Monday October 7th, 2024.
Step 2: See What’s On the Ballot
The November 5th election includes the Presidential Election, State Elections for the House and Senate, and various Municipal Elections, including 3 gun safety referendums for the City of Memphis.
Below are two resources, developed by the MICAH Youth Council that you can review to prepare for cast your ballot!
Councilwoman Cooper-Sutton (Super District 8-3) has prepared an additional resource on all 6 referendums that will appear on the ballot of Memphians.
The guide includes a summary of each referendum and a brief explanation in simple terms that explains with the referendum would do.
Step 3: Make Your Voting Plan
Let’s map it out:
When will you be voting?
Where will you be voting?
And who are you going with?
Here’s what you need to know:
Early Voting: Wednesday, October 16 - Thursday, October 31, 2024​​​
A perk of early voting, is you can go to any location to cast your ballot.
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: Tuesday October 29, 2024​
Election Day: November 5th, 2024, 7am-7pm​
Remember, if you decide to vote on Election Day, you must go to your assigned precinct, which you can find here.
Rides to the Polls​
If you need a ride to the polls, you can call this NAACP Hotline to request a ride from a volunteer. You can also call the line to let them know you want to sign-up to give rides to voters.
NAACP Ride to the Poll Number: 901-521-1343​​
Step 4: Spread the word!
The best part of voting is getting others to vote with you. If you have not yet joined in on one of our voter engagement events, there's still time! We have multiple door knocking and phone banking opportunities coming up all over the city. ​​
Check out the dates and sign up now for one or more days to make a direct impact on voter turnout! Paid Voter Engagement opportunities are available too! Sign up here.
Contact ron@micahmemphis.org for more details.​​
That's all there is to it. To create the Beloved Community in Tennessee, we need elected leaders who represent our values and we can make that happen at the ballot box.
Election Protection Information
If you or someone you know, or if you see someone else experiencing a voting issue, report it to the Election Protection Hotline. Any reports from Tennessee will be directed to Organize Tennessee, who will work with partners and a team of pro bono lawyers to review and address issues in real time.
The hotline is also available in Spanish, Asian Languages, and Arabic:
English: 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683)
Spanish: 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682)
Asian Languages: 1-888-API-VOTE (1-888-274-8683)
Arabic: 1-844-YALLA-US (1-844-925-5287)
You can also contact Disability Rights Tennessee at 1-800-342-1660 to report any disability-related voting issues. The Election Protection Hotline will have different operating hours each day, so if someone does not answer immediately, please leave a message and a legal volunteer will call you back as soon as possible.
See you at the polls!