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Countdown to Change

Tyre Nichols was brutally murdered by the Memphis Police Department on Jan 7th, 2023.  

Since then, the Memphis community has asked for systemic change in policing that would dismantle abusive, harmful practices such as those that cost Tyre Nichols his life and to replace those practices which value all human life, but treat each resident they serve with respect, dignity, and compassion. 

How many days will it take for our elected officials to make systemic change and win Justice for Tyre?

 Click the button below to sign up to bring accountability and change to Memphis and Shelby County. 

Here's a link to a suggested script when making contact.

Follow this Google form link to record your notes. Feel free to download for easier access for your signup.

Updates as of Week of 5/8/23

Memphis Police Department (MPD): No change

Memphis Fire Department (MFD): No change

Shelby County Sherriff's Office (SCSO): Using Tyre's video as a 'stepping off point' for training in an officer's duty to intervene in cases of excessive force (5/7/2023) (5/7/2023

Memphis City Council: Passed 6 ordinances related to safe policing which can be viewed here.

Memphis City Mayor: No change

Shelby County Commission: No change

Shelby County Mayor: No change

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